What is SEO Content Writing?
If you are looking at web development services, then you are bound to have run across the term “SEO content writing” or even “Content Writing” but you may have questions about what content writing is and why it is so frequently mentioned when talking about web development.
Content writing services can be difficult to define because what a content writer does largely depends upon what you need. Generally, content writers create content for the Web. However, content writers do not focus only on the text you see on websites. Sales copy, blogs, flogs, tweets, Facebook statuses, and even text for graphics are all commonly created by content writers. However, content writers can also help you with more specific scenarios, by creating scripts or outlines for your customer service personnel or providing you with basic emails to use when responding to customer comments or concerns.
Content and Search Engine Success
What makes content writing difficult for many business owners is that it can be difficult to be objective about your own product or service. Not all information is sales information and customers can be turned-off by writing that comes across like sales copy despite being presented in a different context. However, all of your content should present your product in a positive light and encourage people to use your services. A content writer understands the functional differences between different uses of social media and the internet and tailors content to each specific function, creating an internet presence that provides a consistent message, but takes into account the various different targeted audiences. Taken as a whole, this content helps establish a brand image, without alienating parts of your targeted market that might be ignored if you focused only a website or only on social media.
Furthermore, while you may be a specialist in your business, a content writer becomes an expert in your competitors’ businesses. What are your competitors doing to attract business? How are they using social media in their promotions? What things have they done that have hurt their web presence? A content writer investigates those things and then differentiates your business from the competition by capitalizing on what is successful.
Perhaps most important to many customers is that content writers use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to help promote your content on the internet. SEO is a complicated area; it is not just about keywords; in fact, keyword stuffing can lead to worse search results than content lacking any keywords. A content writer investigates the SEO terms and phrases for your particular business and incorporates them, naturally, into the content.
You may also be interested in The Benefits of SEO Content Writing. Click Here.
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