Lower Your Cost Per Lead With Instant Forms

Lower Your Cost Per Lead

Lower your cost per lead with Facebook Instant Forms

Have you been sending customers to a form on your website from Social Media Ads? Are these ads not performing well with lead generation? Try Instant Form Ads with Shoreline Digital Marketing and collect new leads right on Facebook or Instagram.

What can you do with Instant Forms?

Build right from Ads Manager
Instant Forms can include pre-filled questions so customers can submit information in one click.

Drive high-quality leads with customization.
Form questions can easily be tailored depending on your use case, like getting a quote for your services or scheduling an appointment.

Easily follow up with new contacts.
Newly generated leads can be synced with your CRM. Or you can access them in the Leads Center to easily organize and download your contacts in one place.

Improve Your Lead Quality With These Latest Features

CRM integration
Connect your CRM (customer relationship management) software to help AI show your ads to the most relevant audience.

Conditional logic
By adding dynamic questions to instant forms, you can filter out people who are unlikely to become customers, increasing your quality leads.

Instant form add-on
Create a form that will appear on your website, so that leads can both interact with your site and provide their information.


Learn more HERE or contact us today HERE.

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